Hi, I'm Theresa.

I'm a part-time photo taker and full-time mom who's obsessed with finding the light and summoning the giggles. I love working with kids, couples who can't keep their hands off each other, and literally anyone who loves freezing time as much as I do. I have many years left in my Army career (which is how I pay the bills). So this...this is my passion.

I've always loved taking pictures. Even in high school, I always had one of those disposables shoved in my pocket and the prints tacked up on the wall over my bed. When my first son was born, I hated that all my pictures of him were terrible phone pics (shot with an old school Blackberry, so I'm talking really bad). So I bought my first DSLR and fell hard and fast.

Did I mention I'm a mom? 😁 I have three babies who are literally my dreams come true, and I'd have a few more if I had more arms to hold them with! Hi, husband...just sayin'.



“Coming Soon!”